Pinella Moawad

Expert Nutritionist and Dietitian Pinella Moawad is a highly qualified professional, dedicated to providing services that promote healthy living across all ages. Through the expert services she provides, Pinella concentrates on bringing the inner and outer beauty of every client to the fore.

Miss Moawad has been graduated from the Lebanese American University with a Nutrition & Dietetics Degree and has also completed the Lebanese Colloquium Exam. She has a degree in Food Safety Internal Audit and ISO22000:2005. She also has a degree in tattoo and electrical hair removal.

Her extensive education makes her perfectly suited to provide weight management services, medical nutrition therapy, and healthy lifestyle promotion among other services. Pinella’s passion for healthy living extends to aiding clients to achieve their desired outer appearance.

With practical experience in the beauty industry of over 7 years as well as completing an internship at Middle East Hospital (Bsalim), Pinella offers a unique set of skills that allows her clients to achieve their desired physical form both in beauty and health.

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